Your pure, bio-dynamized® water every day, wherever you are.

The Jalamo fountain is your health, tonus and vitality booster. It is designed to provide you with excellent water at all times.
Its compact design makes it easy to install in a small space.
The Jalamo fountain's design means it can go anywhere, even on vacation or on the move.

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Aqua Dyn Auroville's Jalamo fountain
About us


Your body is made up of 70-80% biological water. To improve your biological functions, it's important to drink water that's biocompatible with your body - your "biological water". Thanks to Aqua Dyn Auroville's Bio-dynamization® and Light & Sound® information technology, the water in our fountains is similar to your "biological water" and perfectly meets your body's needs.

Aqua Dyn Auroville

Unique technology

5 steps to restore water to its former glory



The first step is to produce perfectly pure water through extreme purification. This filtration process ensures 99% physical, chemical and bacteriological purity.



Bio-Dynamisation® then integrates high-frequency wave energies captured by an oscillator and a beeswax capacitor into the water. These structuring energies are transmitted to the water by two electrodes made of copper, gold and silver.



During the Bio-dynamisation® phase, the two electrodes used lose a tiny fraction of their weight in the form of trace elements. This transmission to the ionic state of the trace elements copper, gold and agent, becomes immediately assimilable by the body and strengthens the body's immune defenses.



As water passes through the Bio-filtre®, microvortexes are created, increasing the potential energy transmitted to the water, facilitating restructuring, and improving hydration and cellular communication.



Innovative Lumière & Son® technology informs the water with music at a frequency of 432Hz, carried by rays of light. These sound waves optimize the water's vibratory rate, enhancing its properties as pure, living, structured water.

Health, tonus and vitality


Unique water quality to benefit your body

Promotes hydration and cell regeneration

Improves digestion and intestinal transit problems

Increases energy and vitality

Preserves biological functions

Improves the taste of food

Delays the aging process

Boosts the immune system

Since 1994

Aqua Dyn Auroville

Aqua Dyn Auroville has been a pioneering research & development center linking water and health since 1994.

Aqua Dyn Auroville is the inventor of the Biofiltre® and holds international patents for bio-dynamization® and water information by Light & Sound®.

For almost 30 years, Aqua Dyn Auroville has been committed to restoring drinking water to its rightful place as a source of life and vitality, and has been carrying out humanitarian projects to promote access to quality water for all.

Biocompatible water, Aqua Dyn auroville

No room for doubt

We offer unique, internationally patented quality materials. We are the leader in biocompatible water.


Technical specifications

Here's all the technical information you need for your fountain

Jalamo ultrafiltration fountain:
Production capacity: 25 to 30 litres/hour
Filtration technology: UFCA ultrafiltration
Aqua Dyn Auroville technology: Bio-dynamisation®
Aqua Dyn Auroville technology: Light & Sound® (piano improvisation 432 Hz - Joanna Goodale)
Aqua Dyn Auroville technology: Copper, gold, silver trace elements
Permissible raw water (max. TDS.): 300 ppm
Power supply: 24 V DC 0.5 A
Maximum power consumption: 60 W
Dimensions: H 41 x W 16.5 x D 19.5 cm
Weight: 7.2 kg
Warranty: 2 years*
Spare parts certification: NFS, ACS, CE

*The warranty for the Jalamo Ultrafiltration fountain is subject to the following two criteria:
-The maximum pressure of the water used must be 3 bars. For higher pressures, we recommend installing a pressure reducer.
-The maximum permissible water hardness (limescale) is 25°fH for the fountain to function properly. Above this level, an anti-scale device must be installed.

Customer reviews

What do our customers think?

Your satisfaction is our mission

I've been a fan for so many years... Probably the best and most complete system in the world (and I'm serious!) I've been using it at home for at least 20 years, we have two fountains at the CENATHO naturopathy school, and it's just great.
Daniel Kieffer
It's amazing how "Living" water can change your life. At first it was subtle, more like clarity of mind, more spontaneous intuitions, etc...then over time it became a general well-being throughout my body. Today, I only drink water from my Fountain (by choice, to push the experiment) and have noticed that only 1 month later my way of eating has changed. My cravings are healthier too. I'd been waiting for years to find a water that could satisfy me, and well, I've found it. Infinite gratitude to all those who developed this jewel, which gives me and those around me "Liquid Crystal".
Pierre Bailet
The water is very pleasant to drink, perfect for hot drinks and soups, very digestible, with a good taste, no unpleasant chlorine fumes or metallic taste. I note the enormous difference in quality between the water I get from Fontaine Mélusine and the tap water next door. The taste is incomparable and I'm happy to drink it every day, I feel I'm doing myself good. I'm very satisfied with this purchase.
DORNER Joachim
Aqua Dyn Auroville's Jalamo fountain

Special offer

Unique offer

1902 €

1499 €

Better understanding the offer

Jalamo fountain water improves cellular hydration, optimizes biological functions and preserves your full potential for well-being, health and vitality.

The trace element starter kit enables you to saturate your water with trace elements using the electrodes of your choice. The kit consists of two wires to be connected to the fountain in the two sockets provided, plus three electrodes, one each of copper, carbon and silver.

A bottle made with love to transmit good vibrations to the water.

The Omwater gratitude bottle is designed entirely around the golden ratio (the structure we find in nature), the OM symbol (the sound of creation), the color blue to solarize the water, the flower of life pulsing from the bottom and gratitude, all combined in this bottle to raise the vibration of the water and of those who use it.

Your body absorbs almost 30% of the water in your shower. That's why we offer a filtration system that's quick and easy to install, and fits any type of shower. With its 15 filtration stages, our shower filter ensures quality water for you and your whole family.


Easy way

When you place your order, we'll schedule your fountain for next-day delivery.
You'll receive your fountain within 3 to 5 working days.
Let our step-by-step installation manual with photos guide you.
Enjoy drinking again!


Order your fountain


delivery within 3 to 5 days


Easy to install


Rediscover the pleasure of drinking


A Jalamo fountain represents over 25 years of research and development.

Improve your biological functions, increase your tone and vitality or improve the taste of all your foods. Whatever the reason, a Jalamo fountain will meet your needs.

- Personalized oligotherapy right in your kitchen
- The benefits of Maseru Emoto's knowledge in the water you drink every day
- The effects of Marcel Violet's dynamization at your fingertips
- The power of Victor Schauberger's vortexes at home

All the benefits of Lumière&Son®-informed bio-dynamized® water in your home tomorrow.

2022 Eau Biocompatible. All rights reserved.